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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > bottle > Ossila/PFN | 673474-74-3/250 mg/M222-250mg
商品详细Ossila/PFN | 673474-74-3/250 mg/M222-250mg
Ossila/PFN | 673474-74-3/250 mg/M222-250mg
Ossila/PFN | 673474-74-3/250 mg/M222-250mg
商品编号: M222-250mg
品牌: Ossila inc
市场价: ¥8180.00
美元价: 4908.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
公司分类: bottle
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com

PFN is a conjugated polyelectrolyte used as an electron-interface in OPV devices to improve extraction efficiencies. Currently producing power conversion efficiencies of up to 7.1% at Ossila with further increases expected from additional optimisation and up to 9.2% reported in the literature [1-3].

Soluble in polar solvents such as water and methanol in the presence of small amounts of acetic acid.

General Information

Full namePoly [(9,9-bis(3"-(N,N-dimethylamino)propyl)-2,7-fluorene)-alt-2,7-(9,9–dioctylfluorene)]
SynonymsPFN, PFN-DOF
Chemical formula(C52H70N2)n
CAS number673474-74-3

Chemical Structure

pfn, 673474-74-3 chemical structure
Chemical structure of PFN. CAS no.: 673474-74-3. Chemical formula: (C52H70N2)n.

Usage details

Inverted OPV devices were made using the architecture shown below with PFN (batch M221) as an electron-interface and PTB7:PC70BM in a 1:1.5 blend ratio (batches M211 and M113 respectively). Ossila"s pixelated cathode substrate pack (S173) provided the device components.

Glass / ITO (100 nm) / PFN (5.5 to 10 nm) / PTB7:PC70BM (90 nm) / MoOx (15 nm) / Al (100 nm)

The substrate cleaning and PFN spin-coating were performed under ambient conditions with all other steps performed in an N2 glove box until encapsulation had been completed (measurement performed under ambient conditions).

For generic details please see the fabrication guide and video. For specific details please see the condensed fabrication routine shown below. For information on our inexpensive Spin Coater for use with PFN please see our Spin Coater product page.

The active layer thickness, MoOx thickness, cathode metal (Ag or Al), PFN solution concentration, PFN drying/baking have not been fully optimised. As such, we expect further gains to be made with additional engineering work. However, for the devices made in this fabrication, a peak efficiency of 7.1% was achieved.

Efficiency for different PTB7 spin speeds - Standard architectureJsc for different PTB7 spin speeds - Standard architectureVoc for different PTB7 spin speeds - Standard architecture Fill factor for different PTB7 spin speeds - Standard architecture
Figure 1: PCE, Jsc, Voc and FF for different spin speeds. Data shown is averaged with max and min overlaid with filled circles.
PTB7 JV Curve for inverted architecture
Figure 2: The JV curve for the best performing device.

Note that some burn-in was observed (i.e. a small improvement in device performance after a few seconds under the solar simulator) and the variability of the devices is currently slightly higher than for other interlayers (average PCE of 6.7%). We expect the uniformity to improve with further improvements in PFN processing, in particular the optimisation of drying conditions to ensure that the acetic acid is fully removed prior to active layer deposition.

Fabrication Routine

The below fabrication routine was used to fabricate inverted solar cells with peak efficiency of 7.1%. Further gains are expected with further optimisation.


  • Pixelated Cathode substrates (S173)
  • 5 mins sonication in hot Hellmanex III (1 ml in beaker)
  • 2x boiling water dump rinses
  • 5 mins sonication in warm IPA
  • 2x dump rinses
  • 5 mins sonication in hot NaOH
  • Dump rinse in boiling water
  • Dump rinse in water
  • Stored in DI water overnight and until use

PFN solution:

  • Stock solution of acetic acid dissolved 1:9 in methanol to enable low concentration solutions to be made more easily.
  • Acetic acid solution further dissolved to produce 2 μl/ml solution.
  • PFN dissolved at 2 mg/ml in methanol with 2 μl/ml of acetic acid with stirbar at ambient temperature for 10 minutes
  • Filtered through 0.45 µm PES filter

PFN Test Films

  • PFN Test film initially spun at 500 rpm and gave 21-22 nm
  • Second test film spun at 1000 rpm and gave 13-16 nm
  • Thicknesses extrapolated for higher spin speeds
  • It was noted that at low spin speeds 500 rpm to 2400 rpm there were significant crystallites present in the films - especially on the ITO. Extra filtration showed that this was not due to the solution and therefore most have been due to the drying process

Active Layer Solution

  • Fresh stock solution of PTB7 made on at 10 mg/ml in CB and dissolved with stirbar for 1 hour (dissolves very easily)
  • Mixed 1:1.5 with dry Ossila 95/5% C70 PCBM to make overall concentration of 25 mg/ml and dissolved with stirbar for 1 hour more
  • 3% of diiodooctane (DIO) added to solution
  • Filtered using 0.45 μm PTFE (hydrophobic) syringe filter

Active Layer Test Films

  • Test film spun at 1000 rpm for 2 mins using unfiltered solution and thickness measure on Dektak. Note that films must be fully dry before performing Dektak measurements.
  • 1000 rpm gave approximately 90 nm thickness.

Active layers

  • Devices spun using 30 μl dynamic dispense (20 μl gave only moderate wetting/coverage)
  • Spun for 2 mins
  • Cathode wiped with CB
  • Vacuum dried in glove box anti-chamber for 20 mins to remove residual DIO from films

Cathode Evaporation

  • 15 nm of MoOx evaporated at 0.2 Å/s from fresh pellets at pressure <1e-6 mbar="" li="">
  • 100 nm of Al evaporated at 1.5 Å/s at pressure <1e-6 mbar="" li="">

Annealing / Encapsulation

  • No annealing performed
  • Encapsulated as standard, using Ossila encapsulation epoxy (E132) and glass coverslips (C181) (30 mins in UV light box).


  • JV sweeps taken with Keithley 237 source-meter
  • Illumination by Newport Oriel 9225-1000 solar simulator with 100 mW/cm2 AM1.5 output
  • NREL certified silicon reference cell used to calibrate lamp output
  • Lamp current: 7.9 A
  • Solar output at start of testing: 0.995 suns at 25°C
  • Solar output at end of testing: 1.00 suns at 25°C
  • Electrochemically etched aperture mask was optically calibrated to 0.212 cm2

MSDS Documentation



M222100 mg£205.00
M222250 mg£409.00
M222500 mg£684.00
M2221 g£1060.00

Literature and References

  1. Enhanced power-conversion efficiency in polymer solar cells using an inverted device structure, Z. He et al., Nature Photonics, 6, 591–595 (2012)
  2. Simultaneous Enhancement of Open-Circuit Voltage, Short-Circuit Current Density, and Fill Factor in Polymer Solar Cells, Z. He et al., Advanced Materials, 23, 4636–4643 (2011)
  3. Investigation of a Conjugated Polyelectrolyte Interlayer for Inverted Polymer:Fullerene Solar Cells, R. Xia et al., Advanced Energy Materials, (2013)

To the best of our knowledge the technical information provided here is accurate. However, Ossila assume no liability for the accuracy of this information. The values provided here are typical at the time of manufacture and may vary over time and from batch to batch.

关于奥西拉 Ossila由有机电子研究科学家于2009年成立,旨在提供组件,设备和材料,以实现智能,高效的科学研究和发现。十多年来,我们很自豪能向全球80多个国家/地区的1000多个不同机构提供产品。 凭借在开发有机和薄膜LED,光伏和FET方面数十年的学术和工业经验,我们知道建立可靠,高效的器件制造和测试过程需要花费多长时间。因此,我们开发了相关的产品和服务包-使研究人员能够快速启动其有机电子产品开发计划。 奥西拉保证 全球免费送货 合格的订单可免费运送到世界任何地方 快速安全调度 通过安全跟踪的快递服务快速配送库存物品 质量保证 由所有设备的免费两年保修提供支持 清除前期定价 超过30种货币的清晰定价,无隐藏成本 大订单折扣 保存超过订单8% $ 10,300.00和10%以上的订单 $ 12,900.00 专家支持 我们内部的科学家和工程师随时准备为您提供帮助 全球信赖 优质的产品和服务。已经向很多人推荐。 卡尔加里大学Gregory Welch博士 优质产品价格合理的客户友好公司! Shahriar Anwar,亚利桑那州立大学 奥西拉团队 David Lidzey教授-主席 作为谢菲尔德大学的物理学教授,David Lidzey教授领导该大学的电子和光子分子材料研究小组(EPMM)。David在其职业生涯中,曾在学术和技术环境中工作,主要研究领域包括混合有机-无机半导体材料和器件,有机光子器件和结构以及溶液处理的光伏器件。在整个学术生涯中,他撰写了220多篇同行评审论文。 James Kingsley博士-董事总经理 James是Ossila的联合创始人兼董事总经理。他拥有量子力学/纳米技术博士学位,并在有机电子领域拥有超过12年的经验,他在有机光伏制造产能方面的工作导致了Ossila的成立并建立了强大的指导精神:加快科学发现的步伐。James对开发创新的设备以及改善可溶液加工的光伏和混合有机-无机设备新材料的可及性特别感兴趣。 Alastair Buckley博士-技术总监 Alastair是谢菲尔德大学的物理学讲师,专门研究有机电子学和光子学。他还是EPMM研究小组的成员,致力于研究功能有机材料的内在优势并将其应用到一系列光电设备中。Alastair的经验并非仅在学术界获得。他曾领导MicroEmissive Displays的研发团队,因此在OLED显示器方面拥有丰富的技术经验。他还是Elsevier的“有机发光二极管”的编辑和撰稿人。 我们的研究科学家 我们的研究科学家和产品开发人员在材料的合成和加工以及设备的制造和测试方面拥有丰富的经验。奥西拉(Ossila)的愿景是与学术界和工业界的研究人员分享这一经验,并提高他们的研究效率。通过提供无需费力设备制造过程的产品和服务,以及能够进行准确,快速测试的设备,我们就可以使科学家们腾出时间专注于他们最擅长的工作-科学。 客户服务团队 客户服务团队负责奥西拉的客户旅程。从创建和提供报价到采购和库存管理,客户服务团队致力于提供一流的客户服务。客户服务团队成员的日常职责包括处理客户订单和价格查询,回答客户查询,安排包裹运输以及将订单更新通知客户。 合作与伙伴关系 请联系客户服务团队以解决所有疑问,包括有关Ossila产品的技术问题或有关制造和测量过程的建议。 位置及设施 奥西拉(Ossila)设在谢菲尔德阿特克利夫(Attercliffe)的Solpro商业园区。 我们在现场运营一个专门建造的合成化学和设备测试实验室,在这里制造我们所有的高纯度,批次特定的聚合物和其他配方。此外,设备制造集群内的专用薄膜和有机电子测试与分析工具套件也位于谢菲尔德EPSRC国家外延设施的1000级无尘室中。 我们所有的电子设备均在现场制造。