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商品编号: 500mg
品牌: Ossila inc
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产地: 美国(厂家直采)
公司分类: pipe
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Double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs) belong to the family of one-dimensional materials, similar to single-walled carbon nanotubes. This particular class of carbon nanotube consists of two nanotubes, with one nested within the other. The differences in the diameters of the two nanotubes can produce varying degrees of interaction between the two tubes. This allows for modifications to be made to the outer nanotube without altering the inner nanotube"s properties, and results in unique and interesting properties. Additionally, DWCNTs enable a combination of solubility and functionality (which is not possible with single-walled carbon nanotubes).

At Ossila, we sell DWCNT"s along with carboxylic acid (-COOH) and hydroxyl (-OH) functionalised versions.

Double Walled Carbon Nanotube Chemical Structure

  • List of products
  • What are carbon nanotubes?
  • Dispersion guides
  • Technical data and images
  • Publications

Product List

All our DWCNT come packed as dry powders, which can be dispersed within the user"s solvent of choice.

Double-Walled Carbon Nanotube Powders

Product codeM2016L1
Outer Diameter2-4 nm
Internal Diameter1-3 nm
Length~50 μm
Specific Surface Area350 m2.g-1
Purity> 60%
MSDSDouble Walled Carbon Nanotube MSDS
Sale Quantities250 mg, 500 mg, 1 g
Packaging InformationLight-resistant bottle

*For larger orders, please email us to discuss prices.

Functionalised Double-Walled Carbon Nanotube Powders

Product codeM2017L1M2018L1
Outer Diameter2-4 nm2-4 nm
Internal Diameter1-3 nm1-3 nm
Length~ 50 μm~ 50 μm
Specific Surface Area350 m2.g-1350 m2.g-1
Functional Group-COOH-OH
Functional Group Wt.%~ 2.6%~ 3%
Purity> 60%> 60%
MSDSDouble-Walled Carbon Nanotubes COOH Functionalized MSDSDouble-Walled Carbon Nanotubes OH Functionalized MSDS
Sale Quantities250 mg, 500 mg, 1g
Packaging InformationLight-resistant bottle

*For larger orders, please email us to discuss prices.

What are Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes?

DWCNTs consist of two individual carbon nanotubes, with one embedded inside the other. The differences in diameters and the chirality of the two different nanotubes lead to a varying degree of interaction between the two, while at the same time the properties of the individual nanotubes being separate from each other. It is this wide variety of possibilities that have made DWCNTs a focus of interest for carbon nanotube research. Varying chirality allows a range of inner-wall outer-wall interactions to occur, because the chirality determines whether the nanotube will be semiconducting or metallic. It is possible to achieve metallic-metallic, semiconducting-metallic, metallic-semiconducting or semiconducting-semiconducting interactions. In addition to this, the metallic and semiconducting properties can vary depending upon the exact lattice parameters, which enables a wide range of possible property combinations.

DWCNTs also have a large advantage over single-walled carbon nanotubes, as it is possible to modify the outer nanotube without changing the properties of the inner nanotube. This modification could be either through functionalisation (to add solubilising groups), or the doping of the structure (to alter the properties). This allows the double-walled system to maintain functionality of a single-walled nanotube whilst simultaneously having the solubility of functionalised nanotubes. This combination makes double-walled systems attractive for use as additives in composite materials as it allows high doping concentrations without affecting the properties of the nanotube overall.

The biggest barriers for DWCNTs - with regards to further research and commercialisation - are their synthesis and purification. The yields produced by various synthesis techniques can vary from around 50% to 90% for arc discharge. Similarly, for catalytic chemical vapour deposition the yields can vary from 70% to 85%. The remainder of the nanotubes synthesised using these techniques are a mixture of single-walled and multi-walled nanotubes which then need to be purified to obtain individual double-walled nanotubes. The process of purification is much more difficult. Methods such as high-temperature oxidation result in preferential oxidation of single-walled nanotubes over double-walled. However, the process can damage the remaining nanotubes and will leave residual multi-walled contaminants behind. Other processes, such as ultra-centrifugation, can be used to obtain high-purity DWCNT samples and sort double-walled samples by outer diameter. However this process is labour and time intensive making commercialisation and large scale production of high purity DWCNTs difficult.

Just like with single-walled carbon nanotubes, there are many different areas in which DWCNT"s can be applied due to their impressive mechanical and electrical properties. In addition double-walled nanotubes show an increase in the mechanical strength, thermal stability, and also chemical stability over that of single-walled nanotubes. However, the ability to combine different nanotube types have the potential to result in interesting optical, electronic and mechanical properties that are not possible with single-walled nanotubes, and could result in the most interesting research in the coming years.

Dispersion Guides

Similarly to single-walled carbon nanotubes, DWCNTs are insoluble. But by using a combination of surfactants and ultrasonic vibration, it is possible to disperse and suspend small concentrations of nanotubes. For dispersing in aqueous solutions, we recommend the use of sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate if an ionic surfactant is suitable. If a non-ionic surfactant is needed, we recommend surfactants with high molecular weights.

  • Weigh out the desired amount of carbon nanotubes.
  • Mix together your solvent and surfactant of choice at the desired surfactant concentration. This should be below the critical micelle concentration of the surfactant.
  • Add the solvent-surfactant mix to the dry powder and shake vigorously to mix.
  • Either place an ultrasonic probe into the solution or place the solution into an ultrasonic bath. Be careful about the length of time and power used - as damage to the carbon nanotubes can occur, shortening their average length.
    • The resulting solution will be a mixture of suspended single walled nanotubes and bundles of single walled nanotubes; further sonication will help break up the bundles.
  • To separate out the individual nanotubes in solution from the bundles, the solution should be placed into a centrifuge. If the solution is centrifuged for a longer time and/or at a higher speed, the smaller bundles will be removed narrowing the distribution of suspended nanotubes.

Functionalized DWCNT"s can be dispersed without the use of surfactants, a maximum of 0.1mg/ml can be achieved for COOH and OH.

Technical Data

General Information

CAS number7440-44-0
Chemical formulaCxHy
Recommended DispersantsDI Water, DMF, THF, Ethanol, Acetone
SynonymsDouble-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, Double Wall Carbon Nanotube, Carbon Nanotube, DWNT, DWCNT, CNT
Classification / Family1d materials, Carbon nanomaterials, Nanomaterials, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Thin-film electronics.
Colour / AppearanceBlack, fibrous powder

1D Related Products

Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes
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Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
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Double-Walled Carbon Nanotube Publications

  • Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Challenges and Opportunities, C. Shen et. al. Nanoscale, 3, 503-518, (2010) DOI: 10.1039/C0NR00620C
  • Properties and Applications of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Sorteb by Outer-Wall Electronic Type. A. A. Green et. al., ACS Nano, 5, 2011, 1459-1467, (2011) DOI: 10.1021/nn103263b
  • Linking Chiral Indicies and Transport Properties of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, M. Kociak et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 89, 155501, (2002), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.155501
  • Double-Walled Carbon Nanotube Solar Cells. J. Wei et. al., Nano Lett., 7, 2317-2321, (2007) DOI: 10.1021/nl070961c
  • Raman Spectroscopy Study of Isolated Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Different Metallic and Semiconducting Configurations, F. Villalpando-Paez et. al., Nano Lett., 8, 3879-3886, (2008), DOI: 10.1021/nl802306t

To the best of our knowledge, the technical information provided here is accurate. However, Ossila assume no liability for the accuracy of this information. The values provided here are typical at the time of manufacture and may vary over time and from batch to batch.

关于奥西拉 Ossila由有机电子研究科学家于2009年成立,旨在提供组件,设备和材料,以实现智能,高效的科学研究和发现。十多年来,我们很自豪能向全球80多个国家/地区的1000多个不同机构提供产品。 凭借在开发有机和薄膜LED,光伏和FET方面数十年的学术和工业经验,我们知道建立可靠,高效的器件制造和测试过程需要花费多长时间。因此,我们开发了相关的产品和服务包-使研究人员能够快速启动其有机电子产品开发计划。 奥西拉保证 全球免费送货 合格的订单可免费运送到世界任何地方 快速安全调度 通过安全跟踪的快递服务快速配送库存物品 质量保证 由所有设备的免费两年保修提供支持 清除前期定价 超过30种货币的清晰定价,无隐藏成本 大订单折扣 保存超过订单8% $ 10,300.00和10%以上的订单 $ 12,900.00 专家支持 我们内部的科学家和工程师随时准备为您提供帮助 全球信赖 优质的产品和服务。已经向很多人推荐。 卡尔加里大学Gregory Welch博士 优质产品价格合理的客户友好公司! Shahriar Anwar,亚利桑那州立大学 奥西拉团队 David Lidzey教授-主席 作为谢菲尔德大学的物理学教授,David Lidzey教授领导该大学的电子和光子分子材料研究小组(EPMM)。David在其职业生涯中,曾在学术和技术环境中工作,主要研究领域包括混合有机-无机半导体材料和器件,有机光子器件和结构以及溶液处理的光伏器件。在整个学术生涯中,他撰写了220多篇同行评审论文。 James Kingsley博士-董事总经理 James是Ossila的联合创始人兼董事总经理。他拥有量子力学/纳米技术博士学位,并在有机电子领域拥有超过12年的经验,他在有机光伏制造产能方面的工作导致了Ossila的成立并建立了强大的指导精神:加快科学发现的步伐。James对开发创新的设备以及改善可溶液加工的光伏和混合有机-无机设备新材料的可及性特别感兴趣。 Alastair Buckley博士-技术总监 Alastair是谢菲尔德大学的物理学讲师,专门研究有机电子学和光子学。他还是EPMM研究小组的成员,致力于研究功能有机材料的内在优势并将其应用到一系列光电设备中。Alastair的经验并非仅在学术界获得。他曾领导MicroEmissive Displays的研发团队,因此在OLED显示器方面拥有丰富的技术经验。他还是Elsevier的“有机发光二极管”的编辑和撰稿人。 我们的研究科学家 我们的研究科学家和产品开发人员在材料的合成和加工以及设备的制造和测试方面拥有丰富的经验。奥西拉(Ossila)的愿景是与学术界和工业界的研究人员分享这一经验,并提高他们的研究效率。通过提供无需费力设备制造过程的产品和服务,以及能够进行准确,快速测试的设备,我们就可以使科学家们腾出时间专注于他们最擅长的工作-科学。 客户服务团队 客户服务团队负责奥西拉的客户旅程。从创建和提供报价到采购和库存管理,客户服务团队致力于提供一流的客户服务。客户服务团队成员的日常职责包括处理客户订单和价格查询,回答客户查询,安排包裹运输以及将订单更新通知客户。 合作与伙伴关系 请联系客户服务团队以解决所有疑问,包括有关Ossila产品的技术问题或有关制造和测量过程的建议。 位置及设施 奥西拉(Ossila)设在谢菲尔德阿特克利夫(Attercliffe)的Solpro商业园区。 我们在现场运营一个专门建造的合成化学和设备测试实验室,在这里制造我们所有的高纯度,批次特定的聚合物和其他配方。此外,设备制造集群内的专用薄膜和有机电子测试与分析工具套件也位于谢菲尔德EPSRC国家外延设施的1000级无尘室中。 我们所有的电子设备均在现场制造。